I'm delighted to introduce you to my new BJD elf babies.
These 10 cm mini reborn babies are perfect for expanding your collection and adding a touch of enchantment to your doll family.
Characteristics of Elf Babies :
Gendered They are available in boys' and girls' versions and are sold naked.
Joints They are articulated at the neck, arms and forearms, as well as at the thighs, enabling them to strike realistic, expressive poses.
Physical details : Their hair is light brown and their bodies delicately flushed.
Finishes and accessories :
Customization Each baby elf can be personalized with wings (butterflies, fairies or flowers) and accessories such as hats, crowns and headbands. These little elves will become the perfect companions for your fairytale worlds.
Fairy accessories You'll find a variety of accessories for customizing them, such as..:
dresses made of rose petals,
pixie clothes,
leaf-shaped deckchairs
others in the shape of a flower petal,
a flower-shaped swing,
and even flower teats.
These BJD baby elves are ideal for all fans and lovers of fairies and their world.
They'll add a magical, enchanted dimension to your staging.
Explore the infinite possibilities of customization and let your imagination run wild.
Discover these adorable baby elves and turn your collection into a real fairy tale.